Dividing Decimals Calculator



Dividing Decimals Calculator


Dividing Decimals Calculator

What does the division look like?

Step 3. Divide using long division.

The first number goes on the inside, and the second number goes on the outside.
So, our answer is .
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When we divide decimals, we think of Kamala Khan and her superhero identity, Ms. Marvel.
Kamala has shape-shifting powers, and when she needs to fight off villains to complete a mission, she can “embiggen” her fists (making them bigger) to get the job done more easily.
Similarly, when we divide decimals, we first need to “embiggen” or enlarge the dividend and divisor by moving their decimal points to the right until the divisor is a whole number.
Kamala Fist Growing Smaller
This makes it easier for us to do long division:Notice that when Kamala’s done fighting, she “undoes” her power by shrinking her fists back down to normal size.
Similarly, when we divide the enlarged numbers, we “undo” the “embiggening.” Each time we moved the decimal point, we were just multiplying by , and when we divide, we cancel these out.
Kamala Fist Growing Smaller

What is a dividend? What is a divisor?

When dividing numbers, the dividend is the number being divided, and the divisor is the number doing the dividing.
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How to Divide Decimals

What does the division look like?

Step 1. Move the decimal point of the divisor to the right to make a whole number.

In order to complete our division mission, we need to enlarge or "embiggen" the divisor.
The divisor is the second number.

Step 2. Move the decimal point of the dividend to the right the same number of places.

In order to complete our division mission, we need to enlarge or "embiggen" the dividend. Move the decimal point the same number of times we moved it in Step 1.
The dividend is the first number.

Step 3. Divide using long division.

When we divide, we're shrinking back down, and our answer is the number on top of the long division.
Dividing Decimals
Dividing Decimals
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