Fraction to Decimal Calculator



Fraction to Decimal Calculator


Fraction to Decimal Calculator

Step 1. Turn the fraction into a long division problem.

The top number goes inside and the bottom number goes outside.

Step 2. Compare the size of the number inside to the size of the number outside.

Since the number inside is less than the number outside, add a decimal point and enough s to the end of the number inside to make it greater than or equal to the number outside.
On top, add followed by one fewer than what we added inside.

Step 3. Divide the number inside by the number outside.

The number of times the number outside goes into the number inside (ignore the decimal) is added to our answer in the top.

Step 4. Find the remainder.

Multiply the outside number by the number we just added to our answer, and subtract it from the number inside to get the remainder.
The remainder is , so we can stop. Our answer is .

Step 5. Add 0's

The remainder is now the new number we divide into, so we need it to be greater than or equal to the outside number.
We can add one for free, and then for every extra we add, we have to add one to the top, too.

Step 6. Repeat Steps 3-6 until the remainder is 0 or the decimal is long enough to use.

Once our remainder is , we can stop.
Our answer is .
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Think of fractions and decimals like Miles Morales and Spiderman. They're just two different representations of the same person.Fighting crime? Gotta go with Spiderman. Going to school? Probably need to stick with Miles.
Similarly, fractions and decimals can represent the same number, and we can think of long division as the transformation that takes us from a fraction to a decimal.
We can visualize fractions and decimals to see how equal pairs look the same:
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How to Convert Fractions to Decimals

Step 1. Turn the fraction into a long division problem.

The top number goes inside and the bottom number goes outside.

Step 2. Compare the size of the number inside to the size of the number outside.

If the number inside is the number outside, add a decimal point and enough s to the end of the number inside to make it greater than or equal to the number outside.
On top, add followed by one fewer than what we added inside.

Step 3. Divide the number inside by the number outside.

The number of times the number outside goes into the number inside (ignore the decimal) is added to our answer in the top.

Step 4. Find the remainder.

Multiply the outside number by the number we just added to our answer, and subtract it from the number inside to get the remainder.
If the remainder is , you're done! Otherwise, continue to Step 5.

Step 5. Add 0's

The remainder is now the new number we divide into, so we need it to be greater than or equal to the outside number.
We can add one for free, and then for every extra we add, we have to add one to the top, too.

Step 6. Repeat Steps 3-6 until the remainder is 0 or the decimal is long enough to use.

The answer is the number on top, in this example, .
Converting Fractions to Decimals
Converting Fractions to Decimals
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