Dilations on a Graph Calculator



Dilations on a Graph Calculator


Dilation on a Graph Calculator

Step 1. Identify the center of dilation.

Imagine this as the fixed location of the projector.

Step 2. Identify the original points of the polygon.

How many points does the shape have?
Imagine this as the original image before the screen is moved.

Step 3. Identify the scale factor .

What is the scale factor?

Step 4.

We have some questions for you! Help us out through this
A dilation is a transformation that changes the size of an image without changing its shape or proportions.
It's like how when Ant-Man gets bigger or smaller, each body part changes size by the same amount, so he looks the same - just bigger or smaller than before. Dilating shapes is similar 👯‍♀️.
When we dilate shapes on a grid, we need to know the center of dilation and the scale factor.
To help us understand these terms, let’s imagine we have a movable screen and a fixed projector that can’t be moved:


✨ Drag to move the projection ✨


The center of dilation is like the fixed projector: it’s a fixed point from which the image is drawn. The scale factor determines how much smaller or larger the dilated image will be.
If the scale factor is , we can imagine keeping the distance between the projector and the screen the same, which will make the new image the same as the original.
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How to Perform Dilations

Step 1. Identify the center of dilation.

Imagine this as the fixed location of the projector.

Step 2. Identify the original points of the polygon.

Imagine this as the original image before the screen is moved.

Step 3. Identify the scale factor .

If the scale factor is , we can imagine keeping the distance between the projector and the screen the same, which will make the new image the same as the original.

Step 4. Multiply each original point of the polygon by the scale factor to get the new points.

Original PointScale FactorNew Point

Step 5. Plot the new points to get the dilated shape.

Step 4. Find the difference between the and values of each original point and the center of dilation .

Imagine this as finding the distance from the projector to the screen’s original position.
Original PointCenter of DilationDifference

Step 5. Multiply each difference by the scale factor.

Imagine this as finding the new distance from the projector to where the screen’s new position will be.
DifferenceScale FactorNew Difference

Step 6. Add the new difference to the center of dilation to get the new points.

Imagine this as finding the position of the new image.
New DifferenceCenter of DilationNew Point

Step 7. Plot the new points to get the dilated shape.

Dilations Centered at the Origin
Dilations Centered at the Origin
Dilations NOT Centered at the Origin
Dilations NOT Centered at the Origin
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